My plan with Flirt in the next month or so before Pomona is to build strength in her hindquarters so she can support herself in the collected canter, and get her jumping courses correctly.
I would like Sophie to be in shape and also have a controlled canter by the time we show. I would also like to introduce cavaletti.
28 September, 2007
27 September, 2007
Sophie, Raquel, Izzy
Wow, it sure has warmed up again. We were taking shelter from the rain last Saturday, and now the notorious Northern California weather is back up in the high 80s. I'm looking forward to winter - that is, some aspects of it. I personally don't mind the cold, just the rain that floods our arenas and creates a thick mud that somehow gets all over everything.
I rode Sophie again and she did fine. She was bending nicely and we didn't have any "Pony ADD" due to me keeping her busy with lots of circles, transitions, etc. I cantered her for the first time and she was acting as though she wanted to buck and play a bit, so I relaxed deep into the saddle and gave her a strong leg to move off of and we got some good, balanced strides. I don't expect her to be completely balanced at the canter, she is only around 3 years old, but we're working on it and as she gets a bit older she will become more balanced.
I want to work on with her turns on the forehand and haunches,
shoulder-ins and haunches-in..s, and leg yields.
Also, doing many canter departs will help her strength
and working on straightness at the walk and trot will help with control on the canter circle.
Other things that may help with strength is riding up and down hills,
riding over cavaletti
and longeing.
Notes to self:
Remember to ride a 20-meter "SQUARE" instead of circle, utilizing every corner to rebalance my horse.
Anyways. Raquel was a bit high today so I spent a lot of time on the trot, really making her work and trying to get her in shape. She was sweating quite a bit at the end of our ride. It may sound crazy to anyone whos ridden her but Raquel needs a lot of leg. She has to be kept in between the rider's hands and legs at all times otherwise she will try to establish her own pace. She is a fun ride, however and it is very much of a "give and take" relationship between us and our communication. I also had a chance to take her into the woods to cool her down, and she was perfect out on her own as expected.
I just longed Izzy in the round pen to get her "sticky feet" moving again. I would like to get her into better shape so she is easier for the kids to ride. I worked on voice commands and did a join-up session to gain respect as well. I think with a little more time I'll have Izzy respecting almost any rider that gets on her back. She's a perfectly decent horse.
I rode Sophie again and she did fine. She was bending nicely and we didn't have any "Pony ADD" due to me keeping her busy with lots of circles, transitions, etc. I cantered her for the first time and she was acting as though she wanted to buck and play a bit, so I relaxed deep into the saddle and gave her a strong leg to move off of and we got some good, balanced strides. I don't expect her to be completely balanced at the canter, she is only around 3 years old, but we're working on it and as she gets a bit older she will become more balanced.
I want to work on with her turns on the forehand and haunches,
shoulder-ins and haunches-in..s, and leg yields.
Also, doing many canter departs will help her strength
and working on straightness at the walk and trot will help with control on the canter circle.
Other things that may help with strength is riding up and down hills,
riding over cavaletti
and longeing.
Notes to self:
Remember to ride a 20-meter "SQUARE" instead of circle, utilizing every corner to rebalance my horse.
Anyways. Raquel was a bit high today so I spent a lot of time on the trot, really making her work and trying to get her in shape. She was sweating quite a bit at the end of our ride. It may sound crazy to anyone whos ridden her but Raquel needs a lot of leg. She has to be kept in between the rider's hands and legs at all times otherwise she will try to establish her own pace. She is a fun ride, however and it is very much of a "give and take" relationship between us and our communication. I also had a chance to take her into the woods to cool her down, and she was perfect out on her own as expected.
I just longed Izzy in the round pen to get her "sticky feet" moving again. I would like to get her into better shape so she is easier for the kids to ride. I worked on voice commands and did a join-up session to gain respect as well. I think with a little more time I'll have Izzy respecting almost any rider that gets on her back. She's a perfectly decent horse.
25 September, 2007
I worked with both RC and Sadie (The two adorable grey youngn's) in the round pen today on voice commands. I think that this quality round pen time will help them to trust me more and therefore make them easier to catch in the pasture (ha ha!) although I am getting quite good at it. Just call me the baby wrangler.
I hopped on Raquel today. This is my third ride on her, and she did very well. She is very light, uphill, and sensitive. All the things that I like in a horse. I would like to loosen her up on her right side first thing each ride because she is very stiff there, and she is also very out of shape. She hasn't been worked consistently because of her feet but I'm just going to take things nice and slow but she is going to be a great horse. The leg-to-hand (with emphasis on the leg) is important with her to keep her from going BTV, and also to keep her from skating her hind end off the outside of the track. Trot to canter transition is a bit rushed..Her canter, while a bit quick, has improved in balance and quality.
I put Flirty on sidereins in the round pen and worked on pace, bending, and bit acceptance. She was getting the idea of the latter so I think I will continue to use this method to supplement our undersaddle work. Her fungus isn't as bad right now. I scrape as much of the necrotic tissue off as I can with my fingernail before our rides, apply fungicide, and after I scrape it again, wash it with Betadine, and apply fungicide. Hopefully it'll beat it once and for all!
I hopped on Raquel today. This is my third ride on her, and she did very well. She is very light, uphill, and sensitive. All the things that I like in a horse. I would like to loosen her up on her right side first thing each ride because she is very stiff there, and she is also very out of shape. She hasn't been worked consistently because of her feet but I'm just going to take things nice and slow but she is going to be a great horse. The leg-to-hand (with emphasis on the leg) is important with her to keep her from going BTV, and also to keep her from skating her hind end off the outside of the track. Trot to canter transition is a bit rushed..Her canter, while a bit quick, has improved in balance and quality.
I put Flirty on sidereins in the round pen and worked on pace, bending, and bit acceptance. She was getting the idea of the latter so I think I will continue to use this method to supplement our undersaddle work. Her fungus isn't as bad right now. I scrape as much of the necrotic tissue off as I can with my fingernail before our rides, apply fungicide, and after I scrape it again, wash it with Betadine, and apply fungicide. Hopefully it'll beat it once and for all!
24 September, 2007
Flirt, Raquel, Gigi, Sophie
Flirt did very well today. Her approach to jumping is signifigantly more controlled than when we began working with her issue of rushing the jumps in August. I think more time and 'miles' will help wrap this up. Her simple changes are nice and controlled and her canter is slow. I didn't do too much today, just some verticals and a simple grid consisting of a cross-rail, a small vertical, and a large oxer. (X---I--- --- ---II) I'll introduce more complicated excersizes and small courses this week and coming month [October]. Her and I have a lesson on this Saturday afternoon so I am hoping to better refine my skills and hers at that time.
I just longed Raquel in the round pen today and she continues to be a pleasure to work with. While trotting around, she was showing classic signals of wanting to "join up", a phrase coined by horseman Monty Roberts. Lowering her head, licking and chewing, and her inside ear fixated on me let me know as if that Raquel was saying "I am an herbivore. I am no threat to you, and you are now the leader of my herd." I asked her to walk and she turned into the center of the round pen, then followed me to the gate so that I may halter her. Ah, Join-Up is a beautiful thing.
We brought Gigi out of the pouring rain last Saturday and we are now trying to put some weight on her so she is in a stall with a run. She will eventually be sold. I groomed her for the first time and she was a little antsy at first as expected, but later settled in like a pro and I was very impressed. She is still in the awkward baby stage but I think she will grow up and fill out to be a fine pony. Now I've just got to get that mane under control! When we first brought her up from the pasture she literally had dreadlocks. I call her my "Rasta Pony". Now that's been worked through but her mane is still hideously long.
Goal for this month: Get all manes thinned and shortened.
I rode Sophie today for the very first time. I wasn't nervous but I did keep in mind that she is a very young horse so not only would I have to be consistent, but I would have to be a very active rider as well. I longed her a bit first in the round pen for good measure. She was a bit goosey with the saddle pad but otherwise took everything in stride, even stood still at the mounting block! She is a very sensitive pony with a soft mouth and is very straightforward to ride. She has an overall acceptance of the bit which pleases me and seems to be happy undersaddle. I kept her mind active by doing lots of bending excersizes, circles, loops, halts, etc, but I didn't push past walk/trot today. Overall, a decent day. What a good girl. Although I am a little biased because she is my favourite..
I just longed Raquel in the round pen today and she continues to be a pleasure to work with. While trotting around, she was showing classic signals of wanting to "join up", a phrase coined by horseman Monty Roberts. Lowering her head, licking and chewing, and her inside ear fixated on me let me know as if that Raquel was saying "I am an herbivore. I am no threat to you, and you are now the leader of my herd." I asked her to walk and she turned into the center of the round pen, then followed me to the gate so that I may halter her. Ah, Join-Up is a beautiful thing.
We brought Gigi out of the pouring rain last Saturday and we are now trying to put some weight on her so she is in a stall with a run. She will eventually be sold. I groomed her for the first time and she was a little antsy at first as expected, but later settled in like a pro and I was very impressed. She is still in the awkward baby stage but I think she will grow up and fill out to be a fine pony. Now I've just got to get that mane under control! When we first brought her up from the pasture she literally had dreadlocks. I call her my "Rasta Pony". Now that's been worked through but her mane is still hideously long.
Goal for this month: Get all manes thinned and shortened.
I rode Sophie today for the very first time. I wasn't nervous but I did keep in mind that she is a very young horse so not only would I have to be consistent, but I would have to be a very active rider as well. I longed her a bit first in the round pen for good measure. She was a bit goosey with the saddle pad but otherwise took everything in stride, even stood still at the mounting block! She is a very sensitive pony with a soft mouth and is very straightforward to ride. She has an overall acceptance of the bit which pleases me and seems to be happy undersaddle. I kept her mind active by doing lots of bending excersizes, circles, loops, halts, etc, but I didn't push past walk/trot today. Overall, a decent day. What a good girl. Although I am a little biased because she is my favourite..
22 September, 2007
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
I woke up this morning and the sky had a dark, omnious look. I hoped for the best because I was scheduled to teach a lesson, but apparently hope wasn't enough. No more than an hour after I arrive at the barn does it start pouring rain! Ahh! So my lovely Saturday morning student and I brought in some horses and groomed them up and put them in nice, warm stalls. Then we called it a day.

For those of you who don't know already, photography is somewhat of a side-hobby for me. It's something I love dearly but usually only pick up when I am truly inspired. My latest subjects are the foals! They have a playful curiosity about them that I just had to capture, so I took my handy-dandy Nikon D50 out into the pasture this week and gave it a try. This is what I came up with.
20 September, 2007
I will say this - Izzy is a LAZY thing! I schooled her briefly after a lesson and really made that hind end work. Bending, half halts, and softening were used over..and over..
I can't say much for big progress but she did become a teensy bit more responsive to my aids.
I can't say much for big progress but she did become a teensy bit more responsive to my aids.
18 September, 2007
Well, I just sucked today. I felt unfocused and tired. I'm having a serious off day for personal reasons so my ride on Flirt was cut short before I began to get frustrated. I attempted to work on flying changes a bit but with my present condition I was in no shape to teach a horse.
I really would like to learn to control my emotions on horseback. To come out emotionally consistent each day would be very beneficial.
I really would like to learn to control my emotions on horseback. To come out emotionally consistent each day would be very beneficial.
17 September, 2007
Flirt continues to impress me! A previous trainer rode her yesterday and jumped her a lot, I think she gave her a good workout because Flirty didn’t even want to walk across the pasture today! Ha ha. We are continuing to get to know each other but I don’t know if we’ve really bonded yet. Oh well, this will all happen in time.
Today I set the jumps up a bit higher and we worked on a canter-in diagonal line, which consisted of 2 verticals (I--- --- ---I) and a trot-in outside line, which consisted of a large crossrail, and a large vertical (X--- --- ---I).
What I like about Flirt is that she has a nice, big horsey stride down the lines. I never have to worry about chip-ins there. I’ve found today that just riding her in half seat with a loopy rein through a course is the best and she seems to be most comfortable that way. I let my hands and legs do the talking and just stay off her back.
Today I switched her to a loose-ring French link snaffle (A dressage rider’s tried and true, am I right?) and I think it helped with the leaning and made it difficult for her to grab the bit and run through my hands. Her previous trainer and I agreed that she may not need her current full cheek snaffle with a sort of “edged” mouth (it’s not a slow twist, I can’t get the name). After all, she is young and we should take advantage of her soft mouth. She seemed to enjoy the play in the new bit so hopefully it will continue to benefit her.
My goals for her are to refine her flying changes and continue improving her canter stride adjustability.
Today I set the jumps up a bit higher and we worked on a canter-in diagonal line, which consisted of 2 verticals (I--- --- ---I) and a trot-in outside line, which consisted of a large crossrail, and a large vertical (X--- --- ---I).
What I like about Flirt is that she has a nice, big horsey stride down the lines. I never have to worry about chip-ins there. I’ve found today that just riding her in half seat with a loopy rein through a course is the best and she seems to be most comfortable that way. I let my hands and legs do the talking and just stay off her back.
Today I switched her to a loose-ring French link snaffle (A dressage rider’s tried and true, am I right?) and I think it helped with the leaning and made it difficult for her to grab the bit and run through my hands. Her previous trainer and I agreed that she may not need her current full cheek snaffle with a sort of “edged” mouth (it’s not a slow twist, I can’t get the name). After all, she is young and we should take advantage of her soft mouth. She seemed to enjoy the play in the new bit so hopefully it will continue to benefit her.
My goals for her are to refine her flying changes and continue improving her canter stride adjustability.
Backdated: Flirt
Update 9/11/07
Flirt and I are finally getting along better. I figured out the “button” to push to get her to come into a frame (unfortunately AFTER Nationals), and I believe that some groundwork on the lunge line with side reins would be beneficial to promote bit acceptance. I’m also contemplating changing her bit to a loose-ring snaffle so there is a bit more play in the bit for her while she is learning this, as she tends to “lock” on the bit and run through your hands, this will help prevent this.
I would like her pace to be a bit more controlled on my part, but I believe this will be better on the next ride. A lot of this is up to me and how I’m using my body and whether or not I LET her get away from me and then fight with her or if I prevent it from the beginning by keeping her collected and between my hands and legs. I know I can do it, it will just take time as Flirt (and I) are still learning.
I know she will take me to the jump, but I need to make her feel secure enough so that she doesn’t rush. All in all I believe that if her pace is controlled, this will carry over into her jumping and make the approach more controlled.
Update 9/13/07
Flat: I really made Flirty work today! She was sweating profusely after only 30 minutes. I made her step it up today and asked for a rounder frame and for her to track up behind at the trot. I worked on keeping her between my hands and legs (as was my goal before, she is getting better). Bending is also getting better. She is a little naturally stiff in the throatlatch and body.
I worked on the canter quite a bit today. She has a lot of power in that butt of hers and likes to try to jet across the centerline and run through my hands. I worked on getting her back to a collected canter and consistent pace. I can tell this is a difficult move for her, as she would break into the trot every once in awhile. I don’t think she has enough muscle at this point to sustain a collected canter for a long period of time so I only asked for it intermittently. When she had it, it was very nice. She would round her body and take slower, controlled steps.
I would like to achieve more of this and get to a point where her canter can be completely controlled and her stride adjusted. Like I said in the last update, this will carry over in the jumping.
Jumping: I jumped a tad bit today. Her trot-ins are great. They are even, calm, and controlled. I am very proud. I also set up an outside line, which consisted of trotting into a small cross rail, and then three canter strides to a small vertical. (X--- --- ---I)
She performed this great each time and her canter strides were even and controlled. I also worked on some single 2’ verticals trot in, canter out. Those were perfect, she has a very smooth jump.
Flirt and I are finally getting along better. I figured out the “button” to push to get her to come into a frame (unfortunately AFTER Nationals), and I believe that some groundwork on the lunge line with side reins would be beneficial to promote bit acceptance. I’m also contemplating changing her bit to a loose-ring snaffle so there is a bit more play in the bit for her while she is learning this, as she tends to “lock” on the bit and run through your hands, this will help prevent this.
I would like her pace to be a bit more controlled on my part, but I believe this will be better on the next ride. A lot of this is up to me and how I’m using my body and whether or not I LET her get away from me and then fight with her or if I prevent it from the beginning by keeping her collected and between my hands and legs. I know I can do it, it will just take time as Flirt (and I) are still learning.
I know she will take me to the jump, but I need to make her feel secure enough so that she doesn’t rush. All in all I believe that if her pace is controlled, this will carry over into her jumping and make the approach more controlled.
Update 9/13/07
Flat: I really made Flirty work today! She was sweating profusely after only 30 minutes. I made her step it up today and asked for a rounder frame and for her to track up behind at the trot. I worked on keeping her between my hands and legs (as was my goal before, she is getting better). Bending is also getting better. She is a little naturally stiff in the throatlatch and body.
I worked on the canter quite a bit today. She has a lot of power in that butt of hers and likes to try to jet across the centerline and run through my hands. I worked on getting her back to a collected canter and consistent pace. I can tell this is a difficult move for her, as she would break into the trot every once in awhile. I don’t think she has enough muscle at this point to sustain a collected canter for a long period of time so I only asked for it intermittently. When she had it, it was very nice. She would round her body and take slower, controlled steps.
I would like to achieve more of this and get to a point where her canter can be completely controlled and her stride adjusted. Like I said in the last update, this will carry over in the jumping.
Jumping: I jumped a tad bit today. Her trot-ins are great. They are even, calm, and controlled. I am very proud. I also set up an outside line, which consisted of trotting into a small cross rail, and then three canter strides to a small vertical. (X--- --- ---I)
She performed this great each time and her canter strides were even and controlled. I also worked on some single 2’ verticals trot in, canter out. Those were perfect, she has a very smooth jump.
Backdated: Cash
Update 9/15/07
I popped Cash over a few very small crossrails at the trot today. She is a very good jumper and has a nice even stride.
I popped Cash over a few very small crossrails at the trot today. She is a very good jumper and has a nice even stride.
Backdated: Izzy
Update 9/11/07
Izzy will go straight in the arena if she is ridden “forward” enough. It seems that she has gotten away with a lot and has gotten used to weaving in the arena and plodding along but so far I haven’t had any serious issues with getting her to move out. She responds to the right mental attitude. She is great to jump because she is brave and I can use her for myself to practice on.
She will round out and bend nicely if you ask her correctly and I got her into a pretty amazing collected canter today so it’s obvious she has a lot of power inside. I think the task now is to get her into shape.
Izzy will go straight in the arena if she is ridden “forward” enough. It seems that she has gotten away with a lot and has gotten used to weaving in the arena and plodding along but so far I haven’t had any serious issues with getting her to move out. She responds to the right mental attitude. She is great to jump because she is brave and I can use her for myself to practice on.
She will round out and bend nicely if you ask her correctly and I got her into a pretty amazing collected canter today so it’s obvious she has a lot of power inside. I think the task now is to get her into shape.
Backdated: Cash
Update 9/11/07
I think Cash acts a lot like Raquel under saddle. Although she is quite stiff in the beginning (I attribute this to her being older so I make sure we have a long but easy-going warm up) she has the same potential as Raquel to have a nice, slow, even pace and a round frame. She likes to try to establish the pace (Just like Raquel and Flirt) so it is up to me to prevent her from “getting away” from me. She will bend and flex if you push her into a supporting outside rein with your inside leg and pulse with the inside rein. (Along with Raquel) I haven’t jumped her yet but once I get her in my work schedule consistently I will introduce some little stuff to pop over.
I think Cash acts a lot like Raquel under saddle. Although she is quite stiff in the beginning (I attribute this to her being older so I make sure we have a long but easy-going warm up) she has the same potential as Raquel to have a nice, slow, even pace and a round frame. She likes to try to establish the pace (Just like Raquel and Flirt) so it is up to me to prevent her from “getting away” from me. She will bend and flex if you push her into a supporting outside rein with your inside leg and pulse with the inside rein. (Along with Raquel) I haven’t jumped her yet but once I get her in my work schedule consistently I will introduce some little stuff to pop over.
Backdated: Sophie
Update 9/11/07
We may take Sophie to Riverside to show in-hand, so today I worked with her for the first time on the ground only on in-hand stuff. I did lunge her before I worked her in the big arena as a precaution but I think that took the spark out of her so she was really lazy and we had trouble with the in-hand stuff. I think next time I will keep her fresh!
She sets up very nicely and easily and I think I will enjoy working with her. She is my baby =) and I love her colour!
We may take Sophie to Riverside to show in-hand, so today I worked with her for the first time on the ground only on in-hand stuff. I did lunge her before I worked her in the big arena as a precaution but I think that took the spark out of her so she was really lazy and we had trouble with the in-hand stuff. I think next time I will keep her fresh!
She sets up very nicely and easily and I think I will enjoy working with her. She is my baby =) and I love her colour!
Backdated: Raquel
Update 9/11/07
Today was the second time I have ridden Raquel and I love her. I rode her mostly trotting to keep it easy but threw in a few canter circles for good measure. She does need work but I think her and I mesh quite nicely, almost better than Flirt and I. Hopefully she stays sound because I would like to take her to Pomona to compete in some flat classes. She has a great uphill canter that is fun to ride and she is very flexible in the poll and body.
She tends to try to set the pace every chance she gets so I try to stay constantly on my toes (figuratively) to keep her between my hands and legs.
The most interesting thing I have learned about her is that she really isn’t all that nervous. I think that she is extremely clever! She is pretty steady as far as I can tell right now and she did do a “fake spook” today which shows me her methods of evading work (ha ha).
Fortunately I have quite a bit of experience dealing with goofy horses such as her and have been blessed with the fact that she has been a tad bit easier to figure out than most. I think her and I are going to have a lot of fun.
Today was the second time I have ridden Raquel and I love her. I rode her mostly trotting to keep it easy but threw in a few canter circles for good measure. She does need work but I think her and I mesh quite nicely, almost better than Flirt and I. Hopefully she stays sound because I would like to take her to Pomona to compete in some flat classes. She has a great uphill canter that is fun to ride and she is very flexible in the poll and body.
She tends to try to set the pace every chance she gets so I try to stay constantly on my toes (figuratively) to keep her between my hands and legs.
The most interesting thing I have learned about her is that she really isn’t all that nervous. I think that she is extremely clever! She is pretty steady as far as I can tell right now and she did do a “fake spook” today which shows me her methods of evading work (ha ha).
Fortunately I have quite a bit of experience dealing with goofy horses such as her and have been blessed with the fact that she has been a tad bit easier to figure out than most. I think her and I are going to have a lot of fun.
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