25 September, 2007


I worked with both RC and Sadie (The two adorable grey youngn's) in the round pen today on voice commands. I think that this quality round pen time will help them to trust me more and therefore make them easier to catch in the pasture (ha ha!) although I am getting quite good at it. Just call me the baby wrangler.

I hopped on Raquel today. This is my third ride on her, and she did very well. She is very light, uphill, and sensitive. All the things that I like in a horse. I would like to loosen her up on her right side first thing each ride because she is very stiff there, and she is also very out of shape. She hasn't been worked consistently because of her feet but I'm just going to take things nice and slow but she is going to be a great horse. The leg-to-hand (with emphasis on the leg) is important with her to keep her from going BTV, and also to keep her from skating her hind end off the outside of the track. Trot to canter transition is a bit rushed..Her canter, while a bit quick, has improved in balance and quality.

I put Flirty on sidereins in the round pen and worked on pace, bending, and bit acceptance. She was getting the idea of the latter so I think I will continue to use this method to supplement our undersaddle work. Her fungus isn't as bad right now. I scrape as much of the necrotic tissue off as I can with my fingernail before our rides, apply fungicide, and after I scrape it again, wash it with Betadine, and apply fungicide. Hopefully it'll beat it once and for all!

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