25 October, 2007

Happy Halloweeeeeen!

Our Whimbrel Farms Halloween Party is coming up this Saturday. Apple bobbing, sack races, carmel apples, games, plenty of food! We're going to get glowsticks for the kids and take them into the "haunted" woods at night time. Ha Ha. Should be loads of fun!

I've been having some phenomenal rides on Flirt, Sophie, Raquel, even Izzy. Flirt has really be doing great with her jumping. She no longer rushes the jumps and I am able to adjust her stride appropriately so she doesn't leave out strides in outside lines. I would like her to be in more of a frame for the Holiday show so I will incorporate that into our rides from now until them.
Sophie has also been doing extremely well. I am getting her used to shoulder-ins, haunches-in, leg yield, etc. She can go through all 3 gaits in a nice frame and is easy to collect and extend. She has sooo much potential. I love her.
Raquel is much more relaxed under saddle but in my opinion needs more work on the trot to canter and walk to canter transition which she tends to rush. Her canter can also be rushed but half-halts really help.

All of the horses need work up and down the hills to build up their hind ends.

Unfortunately a little accident with Izzy left me with a twisted back so I didn't get a chance to do a recovery ride on each of the horses..Tomorrow I should be better. Then it's time to decorate for the party!

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